Sometime in the spring of 2006, I woke up one morning first with aching feet, walking like a monkey. Went to G.P and said it’s just a virus I should give it some few days. The pain didn’t go away but spread to almost all my joints, going to the toilet at night, turning in bed at night, limping with swollen ankles and wrist and changing gear whilst driving was a real real agony.
Went back to the G.P who then prescribed (NSAID) non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It made it sooooo much better, although I wasn’t happy with taking drugs but this was relieving me of pain so I used it sparingly. I remember few days before I went out clubbing to take them, as I love my dancing and I didn’t want anything to get in the way, it did help. Months passed but and a very big BUT...